The products that we sell comply with a highly demanding selection of raw materials, active ingredients, excipients and packagings. The quality controls of these are based on international specifications, following a strict Safety and Hygiene policy.

We have a wide range of medicines that allows us to cover the therapeutical requirements of a large number of pathologies. Clinics, hospitals and pharmacies trust in the quality and kindness of our service.

When clicking on any of the products you will access to its detailed information.For further information on our products, you may contact us trough the “Contact Us” section.

Description(Active ingredient) Pharmaceutical form Active ingredient Family
ENOXAPARINA 20 MG JERINGA PRELLENADA Solución Inyectable Enoxaparina Sódica 20 mg Anticoagulante
ENOXAPARINA 40 MG Solución inyectable Enoxaparina sódica 4000 U.I Anticoagulante
ENOXAPARINA 60 MG Solución inyectable Enoxaparina sódica 6000 U.I Anticoagulante
ENOXAPARINA 80 MG Solución inyectable Enoxaparina sódica 80 Anticoagulante
ERGONOVINA 0,2 MG AMP x 1 ML (REF) Solución inyectable Maleato de Ergonovina 0 Ocitócico
ERGONOVINA 0,2 MG COMP Comprimidos Maleato de Ergonovina 0 Ocitócico
ERITROMICINA (ESTEARATO) 500 MG COMP Comprimidos Eritromicina (como estearato) 500 mg Antibiótico
ESMOLOL 100 MG FA x 10 ML Inyectable Esmolol 100 mg/10 ml Terápia cardíaca
ESPIRONOLACTONA (T/ALDACTONE) 100 MG COMP Comprimidos Espironolactona 25 mg Diurético
ESTREPTOMICINA FA 1 GR Inyectable Estreptomicina 1 g Antibiótico
ESTREPTOQUINASA 1,5 MILL. Inyectable Liofilizado Estreptoquinasa 1500000 UI Enzimas
ETILEFRINA 10 MG/ML AMP x 1 ML (IV) Ampollas
FENILEFRINA 10 MG AMP x 1 ML Solución inyectable Fenilhefrina clorhidrato 10 mg / ml Descongestivo nasal
FENITOINA 100 MG AMP x 2 ML Solución inyectable Fenitoína sódica 100 Anticonvulsivante
FENITOINA SODICA 100 MG COMP Comprimidos recubiertos Fenitoína sal sódica 100 mg Anticonvulsivante
FENOBARBITAL 100 MG AMP x 2 ML (PS) Solución inyectable Fenobarbital Sódico 100 mg Anticonvulsivante
FENOBARBITAL 100 MG COMP Comprimidos Fenobarbital 100 mg Anticonvulsivante
FENOBARBITAL 15 MG COMP Comprimidos Fenobarbital 15 mg Anticonvulsivante
FENTANILO AMP x 5 ML Solución inyectable Citrato de Fentanilo 0 Analgésico opioide
FLUCONAZOL 100 MG COMP Comprimidos Fluconazol 100 mg Antifúngico
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